Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Real Life Ugly Duckling

Real-life 'ugly duckling' at Liverpool's Sefton Park by Simon Boyle

A pair of geese have adopted an "ugly duckling" in a story that could come straight from the pen of Hans Christian Andersen.

With feathers all fluffy and brown the cygnet became estranged from its parents on a park lake.

But the young swan has been adopted by a pair of Canada Geese who have become its constant companions on the lake at Liverpool’s Sefton Park.

To the astonishment of park rangers, the cygnet is completely at home with his adoptive parents, ignoring families of swans which also live on the lake.

Park ranger Kevin Hogan said: "We spotted the little fluffy thing happily swimming with a pair of Canada Geese and they seem to have adopted it.

More of the article on its site, but sweet story even if it has some touches of bitter, too.

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