I have a copy of
The Golden Age of Folk and Fairy Tales: From the Brothers Grimm to Andrew Lang
edited by Jack Zipes to giveaway at the end of this month. As we all know, I hate to just collect names and pick one for a giveaway. I like to ask for more. And these days I need help generating content for this blog. So two birds, one rock. Yay SurLaLune!
I finally decided on what you can do for a chance to enter to win the copy of the book. Inspired by the Golden Age title as well as March being
Youth Art Month, I am asking you to share your favorite fairy tale illustration--it can be from the Golden Age of Illustration (which is what inspired the theme) or any other time.
Here's what you do:
Either reply to this post with your entry or email me with your submission. Your entry should include:
1) A link to the image of your favorite fairy tale illustration. No attached files, please. I am not going to download email attachments. Personal policy there.
2) Three (3!) sentences about why you like the illustration.
3) I will be sharing entries as posts on this blog so you can also share a link to your own blog if you are looking for some self-promotion opportunities. At least let me know how you would like to be identified in the post I will publish with your entry.
Submissions will be accepted through 11:59 PM PST, Monday, March 24, 2014. That gives you two weeks to submit.
I will announce the winner on Monday, March 31, 2014. International submissions are accepted. I'll ship internationally because I am nice that way. The book has been donated by the publisher, but I'll handle the shipping on my own.
The usual types of disclaimers apply. Now I am eager to see what your favorite illustrations are!