Friday, January 15, 2010

Journals Week: More Folklore Journals

While I have covered some of the most important folklore journals this week, there are many more regional and international titles available. Today I will share links to lists of these. More exist in other languages, too, but I am focusing on English language publications.

The Center for Folklore Studies has a helpful list of Print and Electronic Folklore Journals on its website.

In my online searches, I also found a graduate student's work, Guide to Folklore Periodicals Accessible at E. H. Butler Library, which is a fine collection of journals, some not mentioned on the previous website. The list is a PDF file, so be aware of that before you click. She explains that her list is

a guide to journals that you may find useful in researching topics in folklore. Most are available online, with some in print or microfilm where noted. All online journals are made available through the library’s databases and this guide will direct you to which databases contain the holdings for each journal.

After perusing it, I consider it an excellent and helpful list, even if you aren't a Buffalo State student with access to their library. (I hope she got an A on her assignment.)

Most of the journals listed at these links rarely feature articles about fairy tales specifically, but folklore of all types is represented, from culinary to dance to literature and beyond, there is a wide range of interests in the field.

The journals I offered earlier in the week are often the best ones in the field for finding fairy tale based scholarship. To wrap up the week, tomorrow I will lightly touch on the literary side of things, especially children's literature, where more fairy tale scholarship can often be found.

Reminder: Please read Call for Contributions: Graduate Programs Information and send me an email if you have a contribution.

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