Friday, July 17, 2009

Rumplestiltzkin's Restaurant

This charmingly named restaurant, Rumplestiltzkin's, received a nice write-up in The Berkshire Eagle in Lenox, Massachusetts this week: Rumplestiltzkin's: For a fairy tale feast. The restaurant was named for the family dog which was apparently named for the fairy tale. Sounds like good fun in either the restaurant or adjoining Rumpy's Tavern if you ever happen to be in the area.

I'd be tempted by the gingerbread sundae for dessert which appears to be one of the few themed items on the menu although the article doesn't list any names. I doubt there is much since the restaurant is striving to be taken seriously for fine dining with just a bit of whimsy thrown in. I prefer good food with a touch of whimsy instead of cardboard where the theme reigns supreme.

Here's the only website I could find for the restaurant: Rumpelstiltzkin's Restaurant. Some sample menus are listed on it.

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