So in my semi-regular hunt for fairy tale news for you I stumbled across Rebecca Ferguson, apparently a runner up on a recent UK season of X-Factor, who has a new single released in the UK, but not in the states, titled "Fairytale."
From Entertainment Wise:
Rebecca Ferguson has revealed a new song from her upcoming debut album.
'Fairytale (Let Me Live My Life This Way)' is taken from Heaven, due out on December 5. Her first single, 'Nothing's Real But Love', is released one week earlier on November 27.
The X Factor runner-up, who recently told Entertainmentwise there is a "strong possibility" she will return to the show to perform the single, reportedly became the centre of a £1 million bidding war between publishers desperate for the rights to her music.
We were lucky enough to sneak a listen to a handful of songs from Heaven this week, and think 'Fairytale' is a perfect example of the sassy, sophisticated and surprisingly confident sound Rebecca has on offer. But what do you think?
There's also a video embedded in the article. Unfortunately, all of the videos and sound bites of the song are country blocked, so I couldn't hear it and see how the lyrics may or may not really relate to fairy tale. But a lyrics search was fruitful. No, the song doesn't reference any specific fairy tales, but it has an interesting line in the chorus, I'll provide two:
But let me just fairytale that we are in love
I'd rather live a life this way
So we get "fairytale" as a verb, meaning "fantasize." Not a new meaning, but not a common usage either. Now I wonder if the song will be a hit and if the usage will become a little more common.
If you're in the UK (and probably the rest of Europe), you can buy her Heaven
Have you heard of Alexander Rybak's "Fairytale"? He's a Russian-Norwegian musician who won the 2009 Eurovision with it. The song is based off the Norwegian creature known as the huldra (in addition to the musician's romantic disappointment), and the violin he plays sounds suspiciously like a Norwegian hardanger fiddle.
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