Monday, April 5, 2010

FYI: New Releases Updates

Over the weekend I spent several hours updating SurLaLune with new book titles, most of which are summarized on the new release page at 2010 New Releases. I'm really excited about many of these and plan individual posts on all of them--some ARCs are also slated to arrive on my doorstep to help with that process, thank goodness, since I have to pick and choose what I order. The next few months in particular have several releases, so stay tuned.

And, if you know of any other titles not listed there, please feel free to share with me. I try to be diligent, but I miss titles, too! I've been particularly lax about the recent picture books, so perhaps a whole week devoted to those will fill the gap.

There are also a few missing on my list since I don't have book cover images yet. I will add them without the images for now if I have more time during the next few days.

As always I have Amazon widgets on the side of this blog with book covers, too, but they don't feature all of the new titles due to size constraints.

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