Saturday, April 10, 2010

Diamonds and Toads Week: Frau Holle in Legos

Now who doesn't love Legos, especially on a Saturday? These images come from a German site,, where the tale of Frau Holle has been illustrated with 19 images made from Legos.

I'm only showing 7 of the nineteen here, so click through to see the entire story, but unless you read German, read the tale in English on SurLaLune first.

I like the clever usage of the sisters and the story is very well portrayed overall.

The oven and tree are great.

I wish the shaking of the bedding had the feathers flying but I understand the contraints of the medium, so I am not disappointed.

I'm probably wrong, but the pitch covered sister looks like a piece from a Harry Potter set.


  1. That's so amazing!

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