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Fairy Tale and Film: Old Tales with a New Spin
Book description:
How have familiar tales such as 'Cinderella', 'Beauty and the Beast', 'Ali Baba' and 'Bluebeard' been redeployed in film? Why has the industry taken such a keen interest in reworking age-old stories? And are the 3D star vehicles currently being released necessarily the most interesting examples? Paying particular attention to less conspicuous adaptations in order to question exactly what constitutes a 'fairy tale film', Sue Short argues that some of the most significant revisions can be found where we least expect them. She also seeks to challenge negative evaluations of popular cinema – and its audiences – by illustrating some progressive ideas at work in frequently undervalued texts. The book is intended for anyone interested in contemporary cinema, gender and class representation in popular culture – and lovers of fairy tales everywhere.
Table of Contents:
Introduction: Fairy Tale Films, Old Tales with a New Spin
1 Finding Love and Fulfilling Dreams: Aspiring Underdogs and Humbled Heroines
2 Curses, Wishes and Amazing Transformations: Male Maturation Tales
3 Wealth through Stealth: Evening the Odds, or Flirting with Disaster?
4 Dangerous Liaisons: Demon Lovers and Defiant Damsels
S Houses of Horror: Domestic Dangers and Man-made Monsters
6 Postmodern Revisions: New Tales for Old?
Epilogue: The Importance of Enchantment
Whoa, looks interesting but way too rich for my blood.