Friday, September 26, 2014

Fairy Tales in Advertising: Knorr Quick's Red Riding Hood

Knorr Quick: Little Red Riding Hood
Instant solution.

Okay, I fell in love with this ad right away. My only disappointment is that the rest of the campaign didn't use fairy tales. Doesn't Cinderella need an instant Fairy Godmother? Which fairy tale would you want to see depicted in this campaign?

You can click on the images to see them larger. That is an instant Huntsman if you were wondering.

I've included the other two images below, again not fairy tales. The Superhero works for me--nice gender switch on that one, too--but the Popstar, not so much. Looks like he's going for an instant bodyguard.

Campaign info courtesy of Ads of the World:

Advertising Agency: Borghi/Lowe, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Fernando Nobre, Fabio Brigido
Art Director: Stefano De Luccia
Copywriter: Tiago Moralles
Illustrator: Big Studios
Photographer: Denis Sitta
Executive Creative Directors: Jose Borghi, Fernando Nobre
Published: April 2014

Knorr Quick: Popstar

Knorr Quick: Superhero

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