Sunday, January 26, 2014

Marvelous Transformations Giveaway: Beth G.'s List

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Only 2 days left to enter!

Beth G. was the next to submit a list of fairy tale and folklore nonfiction titles that have most influenced her for her entries in the Marvelous Transformations Giveaway.

Here are her list of titles. Thanks for sharing Beth G. You have five entries in the giveaway!

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1. The Teller's Tale: Lives of the Classic Fairy Tale Writers by Sophie Raynard

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2. The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales edited by Jack Zipes

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3. Postmodern Fairy Tales: Gender and Narrative Strategies by Cristina Bacchilega

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4. Critical and Creative Perspectives on Fairy Tales: An Intertextual Dialogue between Fairy-Tale Scholarship and Postmodern Retellings (Series in Fairy-Tale Studies) by Vanessa Joosen

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5. Clever Maids: The Secret History of the Grimm Fairy Tales by Valerie Paradiz

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