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I have a few books and things to giveaway, so it's time to put your thinking caps on. Starting today through January 27th, I am accepting entries to win a copy of Marvelous Transformations: An Anthology of Fairy Tales and Contemporary Critical Perspectives
How do you enter for your chance to win? By answering this question by commenting on this post or emailing me.
What fairy tale and folklore NONFICTION title has most influenced you? Since I have a lengthy list myself, I will allow us to five (5) titles per person and you will get an entry per title you submit.
I will be sharing your lists as blog entries during the two week giveaway period. All entries must be received by 11:59 AM PST on January 27th. I will start a new giveaway the next day and announce the winner of this title, brand new and shrink wrapped from the publisher.
If you need help thinking of titles, consider my posts discussing Fairy Tale and Folklore Library Essentials. There is fiction on that list, but I am hoping for NONFICTION titles since I've asked about fiction plenty of times before.
And, yes, this is open to international readers, too.
And while we're here, Marvelous Transformations: An Anthology of Fairy Tales and Contemporary Critical Perspectives
Book description:
Marvelous Transformations is an anthology of tales and original critical essays that moves beyond canonized "classics" and old paradigms, documenting the points of historical connection between literary tales and field-based collections.
This innovative anthology reflects current interdisciplinary scholarship on oral traditions and the cultural history of the print fairy tale. In addition to the tales, original critical essays, newly written for this volume, introduce readers to differing perspectives on key ideas in the field.
"Christine Jones and Jennifer Schacker have created an unusual and fascinating anthology dedicated to the study of folklore and fairy tales. Instead of collecting a variety of tales from a particular country or from different parts of the world, they have assembled international texts chronologically, from earlier written traditions to contemporary transcriptions and translations. They have also included brief commentaries and essays on important topics. Their aim is to foster an interdisciplinary and historical approach to understanding the complex evolution of a genre, and it is to their great credit that they have produced a most original book that will be useful to readers who seek to grasp the mysterious changes that fairy tales have undergone ever since once upon a time." - Jack Zipes, Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota
"We may think we know what fairy tales are and what they mean, but the stories and critical essays collected by Christine Jones and Jennifer Schacker succeed in making the seemingly familiar decidedly unfamiliar. Marvelous Transformations invites readers to discover fairy tales both well known and neglected and, at the end of the volume, a series of short essays that bring together the best of current literary and folkloric approaches to the genre. Students, teachers, scholars—indeed, all readers interested in fairy tales—have much to learn from this volume." - Lewis Seifert, Brown University
Christine A. Jones is Associate Professor of French at the University of Utah. She is the author of Shapely Bodies: The Image of Porcelain in Eighteenth-Century France (University of Delaware Press, 2012) and is currently completing annotated translations of Charles Perrault's fairy tales. Jennifer Schacker is Associate Professor in the School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph. She is the author of National Dreams: The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nineteenth-Century England (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003), winner of the 2006 Mythopoeic Scholarship Award.
Supplementary Materials:
A companion website for students featuring additional readings is available for this text. A passcode is provided with all new copies of the anthology.
Table of Contents:
Introduction: "How to Read a Fairy Tale," Jennifer Schacker and Christine A. Jones
A. Early Written Traditions:
Anon., Egyptian Tales (New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, c. 1298-1187 BCE; translated by Edward F. Wente, Jr., 2003)
The Tale of Two Brothers
Lucius Apuleius, Metamorphoses (mid-2nd century ACE; translated by Jack Lindsay, 1960)
The Old Woman’s Tale (excerpt)
Marie de France, "Le Fresne" (c. 1160; translated by Judith P. Shoaf, 1996)
Le Fresne (c. 1160)
Anon., Alf Layla wa Layla (14th century; translated by Husain Haddawy, 1990)
The Story of King Shahrayar and Shahrazad, His Vizier’s Daughter
B. Early Print Traditions:
Giovan Francesco Straparola, Le Piacevoli notti (1551, 1553; translated by Nancy Canepa, 2011)
Crazy Pietro (Night Three, Tale 1)
Costantino Fortunato (Night Eleven, Tale 1)
King Pig (Night Two, Tale 1)
R.I. [Richard Johnson], The History of Tom Thumbe, the Little, for his small stature surnamed, King Arthur’s Dwarfe (1621) [website]
Giambatista Basile, Lo cunto de li cunti (1634-36; translated by Nancy Canepa, 2007)
The Cinderella Cat (Sixth Entertainment of the First Day)
The Old Woman Who Was Skinned (Tenth Entertainment of the First Day)
Cagliuso (Fourth Entertainment of the Second Day)
Sun, Moon, and Talia (Fifth Entertainment of the Fifth day)
Marie-Jeanne L’Héritier de Villandon, Oeuvres meslées (1696; translated by Robert Samber, 1729)
The Discreet Princess; or the Adventures of Finetta. A Novel.
Catherine Bernard, Inès de Courdoue (1696; translated by Christine A. Jones, 2011)
Riquet à la Houppe
Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force, "The Enchanter," Les Contes des Contes (1697; translated by Lewis Seifert and Domna Stanton, 2010) [website]
Charles Perrault, Histoires ou Contes du temps passé (1697; translated by Christine A. Jones, 2011)
Blue Beard
Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper
The Little Red Riding Hood
Sleeping Beauty
Marie-Catherine D’Aulnoy, Les Contes des Fées (1698)
The Fairies’ Tales (translated by Christine A. Jones, 2011)
Finette Cendron (translated by Elizabeth Lee and Annie Macdonell, 1892)
Henriette-Julie de Murat, Histoires sublimes et allégoriques (1699; translated by Allison Stedman, 2011)
The Savage
Anne-Claude Phillip de Tubière-Grimoard de Pestels Levieux de Lévis, Comte de Caylus, Marquis d'Esternay, Baron de Bransac Féeries nouvelles (1741; translated by Roswell M. Field, 1917)
Sylvain and Jocosa
Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, Young Misses Magazine, Containing Dialogues between a Governess and Several of Ladies of Quality Her Scholars (1759)
Beauty and the Beast
C. Romanticism to the fin de siècle:
Johann Ludwig Tieck, "The Elves," Phantasus vol. 1 (1812; translated by Thomas Carlyle, 1827) [website]
Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, Kinder-und Hausmärchen (1812 and 1815, 1819, 1857; translated by Jack Zipes [1987] 2002)
Hansel and Gretel
The Worn-out Dancing Shoes
Snow White
The Maiden Without Hands
Six Swans
Thomas Crofton Croker, Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland (1823)
The Crookened Back
Hans Christian Andersen, Eventyr, fortalte for børn (1835-45; translated by Tiina Nunnally, 2004)
The Tinderbox
The Princess on the Pea
The Red Shoes
Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe, Norske Folkeeventyr (1845-48; translated by George Webbe Dasent, 1858)
East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon
Little Annie the Goose Girl
George Cruikshank, "Cinderella and the Glass Slipper," Gorge Cruikshank's Fairy Library (1854) [website]
Aleksandr Afanas’ev, Narodnye russkie skazki (1855-64; translated by Helena Goscilo, 2005)
The Frog Princess
Baga Yagazas
The Maiden Tsar
Danilo the Luckless
John Francis Campbell, Popular Tales of the West Highlands (1860)
The Story of the White Pet
Christina Rossetti, Goblin Market and Other Poems (1862)
Goblin Market
Anne Thackeray Ritchie, Bluebeard's Keys and Other Stories (1874)
Bluebeard’s Keys (excerpt)
Mary de Morgan, On a Pincushion, and Other Fairy Tales (1877)
A Toy Princess
Henriette Kühne-Harkort, Snow White, Freely Adapted from the Grimms (1877, theater script; translated by Shawn C. Jarvis, 2001) [website]
Snow White, Freely Adapted from the Grimms (1877, theatre script) [website]
Luigi Capuana, C’era una volta . . . fiabe (1882)
The Talking Tree
Flora Annie Steel, Wide Awake Stories, A Collection of Tales Told by Little Children, Between Sunrise and Sunset, in the Panjab and Kashmir (1884)
Princess Aubergine
Rosamund Marriott Watson, The Bird-bride: A Volume of Ballads and Sonnets (1889)
Ballad of the Bird-bride
Victor Stevens, Little Red Riding Hood, or The Saucy Squire of Sunnydale (1900, pantomime script) [website]
D. Modern/Postmodern Tales:
Daniil Kharms, "A Children's Story" (c. 1920s-1930s; translated by George Gibian, 1971)
A Children’s Story
Arkady Gaidar, "Skazka o voennoi taine, o Mal'chishe i ego tverdom slove" (1935; translated by Helena Goscilo, 2005)
The Tale of the Military Secret, Malchish-Kibalchish and His Solemn Word
Sylvia Townsend Warner, The Cat's Cradle-Book (1940)
Bluebeard’s Daughter
Gianni Rodari, Venti storie piu una (1969; translated by Nancy Canepa, 2011)
Nino and Nina
Anne Sexton, Transformations (1971)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Robert Coover, Briar Rose (1996)
Briar Rose (excerpt)
Nalo Hopkinson, Skin Folk (2001)
The Glass Bottle Trick
Neil Gaiman, "Instructions" (2000)
Kelly Link, "Swans" (2000)
Marina Warner, "The Difference in the Dose" (2010)
The Difference in the Dose: A Story after Rapunzel
E. Contemporary Transcriptions and Translations:
John Alden Mason, "Juan Bobo and the Riddling Princess: A Puerto Rican Folktale," translated by William Bernard McCarthy (2005)
Juan Bobo and the Riddling Princess: A Puerto Rican Folktale, performer unkonwn (c.1914-15)
J. Manuel Espinosa, Cuentos de Cuanto Hay/Tales from Spanish New Mexico (1931), translated and reworked by Joe Hayes (1998)
The Enchanted Frog, performed by Alesnio Chacon, 1931
Linda Dégh, Hungarian Folktales: The Art of Zsuzanna Palkó (1995), translated by Vera Kalm (1995)
The Serpent Prince, performed by Zsuzanna Palkó, 1950
A.K. Ramanujan, Folktales of India: A Selection of Oral Tales from Twenty-Two Languages, 1991
Hanchi, performed by Chennamma, 1955
Marius Barbeau, The Golden Phoenix and Other French-Canadian Fairy Tales (1958), retold by Michael Hornyansky
The Princess of Tomboso, performed by Marcel Tremblay, 1916
Hasan M. El-Shamy, Tales Arab Women Tell, and the Behavioral Patterns They Portray (1999)
The Daughters of the Bean Vendor, performed by Tahiyyah M., 1971
Donald Braid, Scottish Traveller Tales: Lives Shaped Through Stories (2002)
The Boy and the Blacksmith, performed by Duncan Williamson, 1987
Introduction: How to Read the Critical Essays, Jennifer Schacker and Christine A. Jones
On Fairy Tales and Their Anthologies, Christine A. Jones and Jennifer Schacker
Intertextuality, Gina M. Miele
Fairy Tales as Metacommentary in Manga and Anime, Bill Ellis
Fairy Tales and the Ideology of Gender, Cristina Bacchilega
Ideology, Statecraft, and Subversion, Marina Balina
Ideology and the Importance of Socio-Political and Gender Contexts, Anne E. Duggan
Authorship in Oral Narrative, Henry Glassie
The Case of the Disappearing Author, Elizabeth Wanning Harries
Oral versus Literary Tales: A New Approach to Issues of Authorship, Armando Maggi
Dear Reader, Donald Haase
The Fairy Tale in Victorian England, Molly Clark Hillard
Sexuality and the Women Fairy Tale Writers of the 1690s, Sophie Raynard
Geographical Translocations and Cultural Transformations, Ruth B. Bottigheimer
The Translation of Enchantment, Nancy L. Canepa
The Wonder of the Arabian Nights in English, Muhsin Jassim al-Musawi
Notes on Contributors
From the Beast to the Blonde by Marina Warner
ReplyDeleteThe European Folktale: Form and Nature by Max Luthi
The Meanings of Beauty and the Beast by Jerry Griswold
Fairytale in the Ancient World by Graham Anderson
The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim
1. From the Beast to the Blonde (Marina Warner)
ReplyDelete2. Off With Their Heads! Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood (Maria Tatar)
3. Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion (Jack Zipes)
4. The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales (Maria Tatar)
5. Fairy Tales: A New History (Ruth Bottigheimer)
Thank you for this exciting opportunity! =)
1. Postmodern Fairy Tales: Gender and Narrative strategies (Cristina Bacchilega)
ReplyDelete2. Don't Bet on the Prince (Jack Zipes)
3. Myth and Fairy Tale in Contemporary Women’s Fiction (Susan Sellers)
4. Angela Carter and the Fairy Tale (Cristina Bacchilega, Danielle M. Roemer)
5. Marvellous Geometry: Narrative and Metafiction in Modern Fairy Tale (Jessica Tiffin)
1. Tolkien's On Fairy Stories critical edition
ReplyDelete2. Luthi's Once Upon a Time
3. Bacchilega's Fairy Tales Transformed
4. Zipes' Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion
5. Davidson's (Ed) Fairy Tale Companion
Awesome opportunity!!
1. Women who Run with Wolves by Clarisa Pinkola Estes
ReplyDelete2. Spinning Straw into Gold by Joan Gould
3. From the Beast to the Blonde by Maria Warner
4. Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth
5. The African Storyteller by Harold Scheub
Only 5, that's tough!
ReplyDelete1. Jack Zipes’ The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm (2001).
2. Jack Zipes’ Why Fairy Tales Stick: The Evolution and Relevance of a Genre (2006).
3. Graham Anderson’s Fairytale in the Ancient world (2000).
4. Ruth Bottigheimer’s Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allusion and Paradigm (1986).
5. Max Lüthi’s Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of Fairy Tales (1976).
Thanks Heidi!
1. Trickster Makes This World (Lewis Hyde)
ReplyDelete2. Apples from Heaven (Naomi Baltuck)
3. Oriental Stories as Tools in Psychotherapy (Nossrat Peseschkian)
4. The Storyteller's Journey (Joseph Sobol)
5. Ready-to-Tell Tales (David Holt & Bill Mooney)
This was hard!
ReplyDelete1. Catherine Orenstein's Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked: Sex, Morality, and the Evolution of a Fairy Tale.
2. Marina Warner's From the Beast to the Blonde.
3. Kate Bernheimer's Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Women Writers Explore Their Favorite Fairy Tales.
4. Maria Tatar's The Hard Facts of the Grimm's Fairy Tales.
5. Nancy Canepa's Out of the Woods: The Origins of the Literary Fairy Tale in Italy and France
Not sure if the first one counts, but I really enjoyed it as fairy-tale nonfiction.
ReplyDelete1. The Teller's Tale: Lives of the Classic Fairy Tale Writers (Sophie Raynard)
2. The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales (Jack Zipes)
3. Post modern Fairy Tales: Gender and Narrative Strategies (Cristina Bacchilega)
4. Critical and Creative Perspectives on Fairy Tales: An Intertextual Dialogue between Fairy-Tale Scholarship and Postmodern Retellings (Vanessa Joosen)
5. Clever Maids: The Secret History of the Grimm Fairy Tales (Valerie Paradiz)
1. Jack Zipes' "The Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood": When Zipes resembled how the tale's protagonist is defamed by victim blaming, I found it revolutionising.
ReplyDelete2. Marina Warner's "The Beast and the Blonde: Fairy Tales and their Tellers": Reading this book made me want to specialise in fairy tale literature for my current PhD. Its emphasis on female folklorists has not been surpassed since.
3. Boria Sax's "The Serpent and the Swan: The Animal Bride in Folkore and Literature": For rediscovering that the figure of the beast is more man than animal after all.
4. Martin Sutton's "The Sin-Complex: A Critical Study of English Versions of the Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmärchen in the Nineteenth Century": for introducing me to so many amazing English translations of the Grimms' text. Without these translators, the English-speaking world would never know the power of the Grimms' amazing tales.
5. Bruno Bettelheim's "The Uses of Enchantment": For making me laugh when he called Snow White's dwarves 'stunted penises' due to their skillful penetration into dark holes and caves!
Wow some amazing reads here in the comments! I shall have to take notes and add to my wishlist. Here are a couple from me. My library is pitifully small right now:
ReplyDelete1. The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales by Maria Tatar
2. Mythical Trickster Figures: Contours, Contexts, and Criticisms by William J. Haynes and William G. Doty
It's so difficult to choose!
ReplyDelete1. 'The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales' by Bruno Bettelheim.
2. 'Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion: The Classical Genre for Children and the Process of Civilization' by Jack Zipes
3. 'Don't Tell the Grown-Ups: The Subversive Power of Children's Literature' by Alison Lurie
4. 'Morphology of the Folktale' by Vladimir Jakovlevic Propp
5. 'Off With Their Heads!: Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood' by Maria Tatar
1. When Dreams Came True: Classical Fairy Tales and Their Traditions by Jack Zipes-
ReplyDelete-my introduction to Jack Zipes and inspired me to read more of his work
2. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm, selected and edited by Jack Zipes
-served as my real introduction to some of the authors behind the tales, and I realized that some of their lives were just as interesting as their stories.
3. The Owl, the Raven, and the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimm’s Magic Fairy Tales by G. Ronald Murphy, S.J.
- I learned about the Grimms’ theory that fairy tales contained elements of myth and religion. After reading this book, I could see some of the classic fairy tales with deeper, richer meanings. It helped me to develop some of my own theories about folklore in relation to my Christian faith and worldview.
4. Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights by Marina Warner
-showed me that it’s possible to have a seamless, flowing text that is both fiction and nonfiction. Ms. Warner does a superb job of retelling several stories, while always putting them in their historical and literary contexts.
-got a paradigm shift with magic carpets. I had always thought of them as small, but this book revealed to me that in one of the stories, King Solomon had his kingdom on a flying carpet.
-got a new vision of the Enlightenment. I had always thought of that timet as focused on just reason and logic, but apparently these stories were very popular during the eighteenth century.
5. The Story-Time of the British Empire: Colonial and Postcolonial Folkloristics by Sadhana Naithani
-I really started thinking about the unsung heroes of folklore in the nineteenth century. We know a few names of specific people in India and Africa who provided stories for the British, but we do not know all of the indigenous narrators.
-Before reading this book, I had the stereotypical idea of the Victorian British collectors as pompous and overruling, but now I see that not all of them were like that. Some wanted to empower the people, and they saw folklore as a means to do so.
Like those who have submitted before me, I find it difficult to choose five but here they are:
ReplyDelete1. From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers by Marina Warner. An essential read for anyone interested in the history of the genre and its tellers.
2. The Brothers Grimm and Folktale, ed. by James M. McGlathery.
3. Grimms' Bad Girls and Bold Boys: The Moral and the Social Visions of the Tales by Ruth Bottingheimer.
4. Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales, with a lovely introduction by Carter and an afterword by Marina Warner.
5. Wonder Tales: Six French Stories of Enchantment, ed. by Marina Warner. A tribute to the French women writers who wrote and told stories along with Charles Perrault (and are now largely forgotten).
I've been following this blog for ever and this was a great opportunity to show my interest and appreciation. Thanks, Heidi!