Thursday, January 19, 2012

France Month: Les fées by Charles Perrault and illustrated by Charlotte Gastaut

Les fées by Charles Perrault and illustrated by Charlotte Gastaut is today's picture book. I love France Month because we get imagery for tales that are less popular with publishers in English. The Fairies is better known to us as Diamonds and Toads in its many varieties. I couldn't find many images for this book, but I am providing close-ups of the spreads I did find.

Book description:

Il était une fois une veuve qui avait deux filles. L'aînée était le portrait de sa mère pour la méchanceté et la cruauté. Au contraire, la plus jeune des soeurs n'était que douceur, gentillesse et grâce. La mère adorait sa fille aînée et était très dure avec la cadette. Mais une bonne fée, qui passait par là, décida de punir cette injustice...

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying France month. The company I work for provides me with free French lessons and one of the things our tutor has suggested is that we try and read some french books, watch french films etc. It's great to know that I combine learning french with my love of fairytales and hopefully make it a little easier. :-)

    I've already added several of your suggestions so far on to my amazon wishlist ready for payday.


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