Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Free Ebook: UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Book 1) by Chanda Hahn

UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Book 1) by Chanda Hahn is currently free in ebook format. It's the first in a series and I'll let the book description to the heavy lifting of explaining it all below:

Book description:

Mina Grime is unlucky, unpopular and uncoordinated; until she saves her crush's life on a field trip, changing her High School status from loser to hero overnight. But with her new found fame brings misfortune in the form of an old family curse come to light. For Mina is descended from the Brothers Grimm and has inherited all of their unfinished fairy tale business. Which includes trying to outwit a powerful Story from making her it's next fairytale victim. To break the fairy tale curse on her family and make these deadly occurrences stop, Mina must finish the tales until the very Grimm end.

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