I ran out of steam mid-week as I have hunkered down with new books and some other projects. (And I am weeks and weeks behind on emails. Someday I may recover.) However, I wanted to share a link to Seven Miles of Steel Thistles which is featuring Fairy Tale Reflections every week with guest bloggers, often authors who work with fairy tales, starting this one with Fairytale Reflections (2) Adèle Geras.
I'm adding Geras' most prominent fairy tale titles here, too. They have gone through a few reissues and are still in print, a nice accomplishment for Geras and the books. My favorite is her picture book of Sleeping Beauty because it is just lovely, too.
Anyway, follow the links and read Geras' thoughts on Hansel and Gretel, including a poem, after learning a little about her. Starting with:
It’s about hunger. It’s about not being able to cope. It’s about mother love of a warped kind. It deals with contrasts. I love it almost more than any other fairy tale and I’ve never had to articulate why before now and hope I can come up with some good reasons alongside my gut reactions.
You'll have to go to the blog to read the rest....
Sleeping Beauty a picture book by Geras with illustrations by the wonderful Christian Birmingham. He is in the top of my list of favorite living illustrators.
(I have a dream list of who I would love to illustrate my own fairy tale translations and adaptations. I would love to see what he would do with Twelve Dancing Princesses. Sigh...)
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