Hoorah! Cinderella Tales From Around the World
A Barnes and Noble Nook should be coming soon. Since formatting for other devices is long and arduous, I am considering requests for other formats at other stores, but making no promises. I've found the effort has not been worthwhile on previous titles. Since the Kindle format is readable on many devices with the free Kindle reading software, it's also not stopping readers who don't want or own a Kindle. And I personally detest the Nook for PC reader which I have used with high frustration over the years for the books I have acquired for Nook. All my various Kindle apps function much better than Nook for PC. I pretty much refuse to use unless absolutely necessary.
Congrats! I just saw that you have a mermaid one as well. I might just have to get that one before this one! Heck, I just might get them all soon enough!
ReplyDeleteI only see it in paperback format. Is the kimdle version only available for Amazon Prime members??