Conference Announcement! Haven't had one of these in a while.... Oh, there are times when I wish I were in the Northeast and not the South!

Passion & Prohibition: A New Look at Old Tales From Oedipus to Cinderella
When: 4/20/2013
Where: Yale Child Study Center
New Haven, Connecticut
United States
Contact: Rachel Bergeron (rachelbergeron1 at
Professor Maria Tatar, professor of Germanic Languages at Harvard and a leading international scholar on myth, folklore, and fairy tales will be presenting. She is speaking with Dr. Nancy Kulish, a psychoanalyst who has challenged the usefulness of the Oedipus myth to describe girls' development. From different (and similar) disciplinary perspectives, both scholars will deconstruct feminist and gendered elements of myth and fairy tales with a particular eye on passion and the prohibitions against it.
We are going where only children dare to tread.
Clinical work, like fairy tales, pulls us into the dark
heart of powerful emotional experiences. Potent
but forbidden feelings - jealous rage,
competitiveness, and desire - grip us. Children
dance with delight in the terror, transgression,
beauty and dazzle of fairy tales. Adults and
clinicians, however, often stop at the door of
‘grandma’s house’ and turn away. We will explore
the overlapping psychological edges of passion and
prohibition in fairy tales and in psychoanalysis.
To register for the symposium or to learn more about it, please go to
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