I need your help. I am trying to come up with five fun/quirky/informational questions to give to authors who want to appear on the SurLaLune Blog. Blog tours are popular now and I want to make SurLaLune a welcoming spot for authors who use fairy tales for their inspiration. I often don't have time to read the book or think up snazzy questions to ask but authors like some direction from me since they are often overwhelmed, too.
Of course, I dream of a powerful, deceptively simple questionnaire like the one at the end of The Actor's Studio show that I used to watch and now only remember the end when these questions were asked. (I used to watch TV. Those were the days!)
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
What turns you off?
What is your favorite curse word?
What sound or noise do you love?
What sound or noise do you hate?
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to do?
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
So my brain is tired and I find I am not very clever. And, anyway, you readers should have some input. So help me come up with five questions you'd love to see answered by the authors featured here on SurLaLune. I also fear asking questions that are too demanding of authors with a lot on their plates--believe me I get quite a few of those myself and simply cannot answer them due to my own limited bandwidth. So questions that can have both short or long answers are also desirable.
Here are some starting off points:
What is your favorite fairy tale?
What is your least favorite fairy tale?
What is your favorite fairy tale hero/heroine to love or hate?
What is your favorite fairy tale villain to love or hate?
Besides your own, what is one of your favorite fairy tale retellings?
Now share with us a little bit about your book:
So in the comments offer some questions, limit five, vote for others or offer your own.
I would love to know not only what someone's favorite fairy tale is, but what their favorite variation of the tale is. What's their favorite retelling in film, book, novella, etc.?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your favorite fairy tale?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your least favorite fairy tale?
Which fairy tale character do you most identify with?
Which fairy tale do you feel most disconnected from?
How do you feel about children reading gruesome fairy tales?
Which fairy tale villain do you feel is misunderstood?