Muppet Snow White (Muppet Graphic Novels)
And, yes, let me tell you, I think we can find some deep psychological and sociological meanings to Miss Piggy playing both the evil queen and Snow White. What do you think?
We need Snow White and the Huntsman to be good. It's moved past mere desire to a full-on burning inflammation in our fantasy loins. Why? Perhaps it's because what we've seen in the trailers so far looks pretty damn good. We were raised on Beastmaster, Willow, Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, but there's been a fantasy dry spell in Hollywood for years (Return of the King came out in 2003, people). It's time for some good, new fantasy, sans Lion Jesus.
So we desperately want Snow White and the Huntsman to be good, because that would mean a victory for dark fantasy and potentially more fantastic bloody battles fought on the big screen. We're not sure if it will be. The only thing we can do while we wait is whip up a pro/con list, so here it is. Let's contemplate how Charlize Theron's Evil Queen movie could prevail, and how it could fail.
In case you haven't seen this yet, here it is!
Where they messed up? Sleeping Beauty. With two tv shows on the horizon, it looks like Beauty from Beauty and the Beast is the next it girl. But it's hard to say her name without invoking Belle and Disney, so I don't mind the Sleeping Beauty reference, just think she may have to wait for 2014...
According to IO9, "Snow White and the Seven Movies was directed by Alberto Belli and was written by its fairest star Genevieve Farrell."
GraupnerAnd more images:
Erzgebirge, Germany
A miniature smoking house with a fairy-tale scene of Little Red Riding Hood saying goodbye to her mother before leaving for Grandmother's house, with the Wolf slinking by outside their cottage. Remove the house to insert an incense smoking cone to add the look of real smoke coming from the cottage's chimney! A charming decoration to be kept out all year!
Incense cones sold separately.
The Mythopoeic Society has announced the finalists for the 2012 Mythopoeic Awards. Download the press release in PDF format. For more information about the awards, visit the Awards section of this site; the finalists for the literature awards, text of recent acceptance speeches, and selected book reviews are also listed in this section. The winners of this year’s awards will be announced during Mythcon 43, to be held August 3-6, 2012, in Berkeley, California.