Monday, December 8, 2014

Arabian Nights Discussion on BBC Radio

SurLaLune reader Kelsang K. shared this link this morning for a new BBC radio program discussion about Arabian Nights. Some of the big names in Arabian Nights recent publications are on the panel, including Robert Irwin and Marina Warner. Depending on your region's availability, you can listen to it here for free for a limited time: Arabian Nights.

Anne McElvoy's joined by Egyptian novelist Alaa Al Aswany, author of The Yacoubian Building, to discuss writing in the contemporary Arabic world and the continuing influence of stories from 1000 years ago. Joining him are Rose Issa, a Lebanese/Iranian curator of Arabic art and film and two British experts on The Arabian Nights: Robert Irwin, who introduces a new, English translation of a medieval fantasy collection and Marina Warner, whose interests stretch from Scheherazade to a new collection of Scottish fantasies.
Here are some of the Arabian Nights books by the panelists:

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