Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Continuing Today's Theme with Bedtime Stories Project

Also don't miss the images from the Bedtime Story Project. I admit I'd prefer to have these sheets in real life to the fabric I posted earlier by Heather Ross, but alas, they were produced strictly for this art project, not for retail distribution.

The actual project webpage has evaporated into the bit and bytes nether regions but a few blogs have posted about the project, keeping the images still available. Just yesterday InkGypsy posted about these sheets on her Once Upon A Blog... at Fairy Tale 'Sheets'. (Me waving!) Great minds and all that....

1 comment:

  1. *waves back* Great minds indeed! I have an APB out for any 'actual' sheets that are available for purchase. Any Etsy people out there up for the challenge? I'll pre-order!


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