Saturday, January 20, 2018

New Song: Mrs. Bluebeard by They Might Be Giants

So the band, They Might Be Giants, just released their 20th studio album, I Like Fun. I am a fan of the band--especially their kids' song the last several years--with some of their songs remaining persistent earworms for me and the kids in my life. This one is definitely not a kids album since it deals with death and destruction although the tunes don't make you think that. You have to listen to the words to realize there is darkness here.

But why I am posting this here? Well, one of the new songs is surprisingly enough, "Mrs. Bluebeard." And yes, it is inspired by the fairy tale. The song is told from the perspective of one of the dead wives and is poignant and peppy. But that's the They Might Be Giants signature kind of musical quirkiness. There are lines that tell us how she got into this dead predicament. A fun, short take on a not so familiar story.

The song is so new that it's not available as a video or elsewhere to embed as a preview but you can stream the song on music services, like Amazon Prime Music, iTunes, etc.

My favorite line--and hubby John agreed it was the best of many--is:

Most people wouldn't hang their corpses up for review.
No, no they wouldn't but that is part of Bluebeard's signature quirkiness, too.

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