Friday, February 26, 2016

Crafty Friday: Little Stitcher's Cinderella and Snow White and Rose Red

This week's Crafty Friday is courtesy of a SurLaLune reader who sent me the link and a short email:

I spotted these new releases on The Little Stitcher's blog and thought of you.

Jo P

Thanks for sharing, Jo, and thinking of SurLaLune. If you are curious, you can also visit Jo's blog at Serendipitous Stitching.

These images come from the designer's blog at The Little Stitcher. They are available for sale in her Etsy Store.

About the designs:

For these designs I wanted to put together some details of two versions of the story of Cinderella, the first by the Brothers Grimm and the second by Charles Perrault. I warmly suggest you to read both fairy tales because they are beautiful, much more the cartoon adapted by Disney.

The detail of the Fairy Godmother, who asks Cinderella to bring her a big pumpkin, and then the mice - and even six lizards that the Fairy turns into lackeys - comes from the fairytale collected by Perrault, while in the version collected by the Brothers Grimm, which in my opinion is so sweet, there is the lovely white bird, which lives on a hazel tree grown on the grave of the mother of the maiden. The bird hears the prayers of Cinderella and launches her the clothes she will wear in the three evenings of dance at the court.

In both tales there is the detail of the little shoe left at the castle, but if in Perrault's version it is made of transparent glass, in the one by the Brothers Grimm it always change, depending on the different and beautiful dresses worn by the girl.

I am tickled that the designer is Italian and chose to draw inspiration from the German and French Cinderellas. No murderous Cenerentola for her! But I am thrilled that she has also created designs for other fairy tales. If you have always wanted to stitch Snow White and Rose Red, here's your chance! She has that pattern, too.

She has a few other surprises in her shop, too, but I think I will save those for later. Unless you want to spoil the surprise and visit her shop yourself.


  1. These are such lovely designs. I can see me adding a lot of beads to the one with the coach!

  2. Thank yo so much Heidi and Joanne! I'm Laura, The Little Stitcher, and I'm a follower of SurLaLune for a lot of time :) I'm really happy you like my designs! Hugs to you all :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A little word about my choice :) I chose these two versions (Grimm and Perrault) because they are the most known, and I sell my designs especially abroad. Also, unfortunately in Italy itself the Italian version of Cinderella (La gatta Cenerentola by Giambattista Basile) is little known... here if someone says "Cenerentola" everyone think about Disney and very few people knows that exist something else... :(
    Hugs :)


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