Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fairy Tale Crafty: 12 Tatted Fairy-tales by Inga Madsen

12 Tatted Fairy-tales by Inga Madsen is a UK release from 2005, not ever readily available in the US. I was rather charmed with it. It actually looks like Madsen took inspiration from HCA's papercuts. I never connected fairy tales and tatting before, but here you go! I'll include larger images to help you see the designs better.

Book description:

In this book, the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen and tatting are combined in the most charming way. The author has selected 12 fairy tales and illustrated them with the most lovely and fantastic designs made in tatting. The book includes extracts from the fairy tales, beautiful pictures from the Museum of Hans Christian Andersen in Odense, and clear visual patterns of the tatted designs.
These images came from a bookseller, Georgia Seitz:

And, finally, I found this image on a blog, someone's actual work using the Ugly Duckling pattern from the book. Found at Tatting at KatyDidTat:

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