Monday, February 6, 2012

Grimm Legacies 2012: Getting Started on the Recap

Yes, I have returned home to Nashville after spending the last few days at Harvard attending the Grimm Legacies Symposium. I am still processing all of the great material shared this weekend. I already know I won't be able to give the full coverage everyone would wish, but over the next few weeks I am going to glean what I can from my notes and post here.

Some of my posts will be about books mentioned--I get those questions too much not to post about the books here!--and some will be about the content of the talk themselves.

If you were a participant or audience member now reading this, please feel free to share in the comments or by email what you heard and thought. Overall, it was a great weekend and I am thankful to everyone who made it possible from the organizers at Harvard (Maria Tatar, Holly Hutchison and Deborah Foster), their supporters and all the participants and attendees. I always say these events wouldn't work without an audience, so every person sitting in a chair (or on the floor or leaning against a wall) was important to the event's success.

I met many people and enjoyed putting faces with names (and regular SurLaLune readers) so thank you for coming up and introducting yourselves, too.

And, for a light recap, you can also peruse the #GrimmLegacies tweets by Linda J. Lee and Cole Tucker on Twitter. Linda (and Donald Haase through one degree of separation) have persuaded me to try Twitter with the blog for a while. Regular readers here and some of the audience at Grimm Legacies know it will take a major change (either in me or it) for me to attempt Facebook again. You can follow me there at SurLaLuneHeidi.


  1. Thank you for posting about the symposium in the first place -- that's how I found out about it! And it was a pleasure to meet you. I was the one who mistook you for someone I knew on Saturday morning (based on the hat) and then became star-struck and babbled on when I realized who you actually were.

    I wish I could have been there Friday night and I'm especially eager to hear about what I missed. I'll contribute to the Saturday recaps in comments insofar as I have anything to add!

  2. I'm very interested to hear about this! I'm fascinated by the Grimm stories.


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