Saturday, February 4, 2012

Free eBook: Gruesomely Grimm Zombie Tales by Wilhelm Grimm, Jakob Grimm and Todd Brown

Gruesomely Grimm Zombie Tales by Wilhelm Grimm, Jakob Grimm and Todd Brown is free today in ebook format on Amazon--it's probably on the five day window of many free ebook promotions on Amazon these days. I am amused that the rewriting of classics into vampire/zombie/sea monster stories has hit the Grimms. (I'm not so sure they would have been though!)

Book description:

Over a century ago, The Brothers Grimm compiled an iconic collection of stories. Over forty years ago, American cinema was infected by the walking dead. A few years ago, classic literature fell to that same infection.

Now, it is time for the logical, but simultaneously unlikely, fusion of the often mistakenly labeled Grimm’s Fairy Tales to fall prey to the gaping maw of undeath.

Volume One of Gruesomely Grimm Zombie Tales offers up the first twenty-five stories…with a liberal dose of blood… gore…and of course…zombies.

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