Monday, February 20, 2012

Call for Papers: AFS Folk Narrative Section & Grimms Bicentennial

Before I post this call for papers, I wanted to wholeheartedly endorse the AFS (American Folklore Society) if you are interested in fairy tales. I attended the annual meeting in 2010 and met many wonderful people. Schedule conflicts kept me from attending last year, but I hope this year I can arrange to attend again, especially since Linda (who you may have met at Grimm Legacies) and Adam are working hard to increase the fairy tale element of this year's conference.

Here's the description:

Hello everybody!

As you are all probably aware, 2012 marks the bicentennial anniversary of the first publication of the Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmarchen. In honor of this fact, the AFS Folk Narrative Section is looking to sponsor a series of pre-organized paper sessions, Diamond sessions, forums, and / or media sessions at this year's American Folklore Society Meeting devoted to the history, the impact, and the future of the Grimms's collection.

We are interested in any Grimms-related topic that you might propose, including those related to this year's meeting theme, "The Continuity and Creativity of Culture".

Additional possible ideas include:

* The sources, analogues, and informants of the Grimms
* The impact of the collection on scholarly and popular audiences
* The impact of the collection in different nations
* The publication history, and / or reception, of the collection in its different editions
* The collection as literature for children, adults
* The legacy of the collection, and the revision of Grimm tales, in literature
* The legacy of the Grimms, and / or the collection in popular culture (including films, television, graphic novels, advertising, on the web)
* The Grimms and the digital humanities

If you have a paper topic in mind, but need to find a panel, please feel free to use the Folk Narrative Section's social media tools: we recommend our Facebook group and Google+ page as great ways to
coordinate with like-minded potential AFS-goers.

If you have an organized session that you would like the Folk Narrative section to sponsor, please let us know. We are, as always, reachable via email at azolkove (a) or linda.lee (a)

The Folk Narrative section will also be sponsoring our second biennial Stith Thompson Lecture. We are pleased to announce that our speaker this year will be Kay Stone. Look for more information about that event soon.

And remember, the deadline for proposals for the AFS 2012 Meetings in New Orleans, LA is coming up March 31st, so organizing your panel and getting in touch with us sooner than later is a very good idea.


Adam D. Zolkover & Linda J. Lee

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