Friday, July 24, 2009

Fairy Tale Princess Cooking Class and Tea Party

Yet another using fairy tales for teaching application offered up by Wellesley Recreation in Massachusetts next week: Fairy Tale Princess Cooking Class and Tea Party. I think it is a clever concept, teaching cooking, entertaining and manners to young children--note that it's calling all princes and princesses despite the course title.

I downloaded the program sheet--it's big so I copied and pasted the relevant information below. I hope all the students have a fun time next week. I wish I could be one of the guests for the final tea party. Ugly Step Sister Stew sounds yummy. I admit I enjoy a well-made watercrest sandwich, sans crust of course, which I doubt the children would like, but I can dream...

Fairy Tale Princess
Cooking Class & Tea Party
(Ages 6 - 8)

Instructor: Betsy Arnold & Janet Parnes

Calling all princes and princesses. The time has come to prepare for the Fairy-Tale Princess Tea Party. We will learn to make a meal and serve it with style. This 4-day camp will culminate with a Fairy-Tale Princess Tea Party, hosted by the children for their guests. We will spend the first two days practicing our kitchen skills by preparing our own lunchtime feasts. We might make Ugly Step Sister Stew, Snow White’s Apple Strudel, or Prince Charming’s Roasted Chicken. During the final two days we will be busy preparing treats for the tea party. Delight your guests with Crown Jewel tea sandwiches, Belle’s mini quiches, Princess Fiona’s fruit parfaits and more.
Location: Warren Building Min: 6/Max: 8
4 classes

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