Storytelling is close to my heart since it goes hand in hand with fairy tales and folklore. So don't miss this article, Fairy tale ending for young storyteller, about Olivia Merryman, the 8-year-old "who was named the annual competition's elementary level "torchbearer" June 6 as the best in her age group" at the National Youth Storytelling Showcase last month.
And isn't Merryman just a perfect name for a storyteller anyway. I hope she has a long career.
And I just love that the National Storytelling Festival is in my home state...
I'm teaching an autobiography writing workshop to elementary kids this summer and would LOVE to get the young Ms. Merryman to come and speak to my students. If only! But, I'm planning on folding her ever-so-cool story into the larger lessons of the workshop. Thanks so much for all the info you're throwing our way; I'm learning lots.