Monday, October 31, 2011

Library Essentials Month: A Companion to the Fairy Tale edited by Hilda Ellis Davidson and Anna Chaudhri

A Companion to the Fairy Tale edited by Hilda Ellis Davidson and Anna Chaudhri. This is another favorite of mine. I have benefited from many of the articles found within but my favorite is "Unknown Cinderella: The Contribution of Marian Roalfe Cox to the Study of Fairy Tale." Overall, an interesting collection of essays about fairy tales, better than other collections of similar ilk actually. A lot of the essentials of fairy tale scholarship are addressed within with an interesting diversity that doesn't feel like it is overreaching itself. In other words, I like this one and recommend it. See the table of contents below to get a feel for it...

Book description from the publisher:

Introduction by Derek Brewer. This book discusses the characteristics of the traditional fairy tale in Europe and North America, and various theories of its development and interpretation. The book deals with the main collections - the Grimm brothers, Hans Andersen, Perrault and Afanes'ev - and with the development of tales in various regions of Europe, including Ireland, Wales, Scandinavia, Germany and Russia, as well as India, where it was once claimed that they originated. The subject of the fairy tale is a controversial one: problems discussed here include the relationship between tales recorded from story-tellers and literary works, the importance of printed works for the spread of the tales, the growth of recent examples with a feminine approach, the spread of popular tales like Cinderella, special types like the cumulative tales, possible effects of TV, and the nature of traditional plots and characters. Above all, the collection is concerned with the distribution and long survival of these tales, and the nature of their appeal.



Table of Contents:

The Interpretation of Fairy Tales
Creativity and Tradition in the Fairy Tale
The Ultimate Fairy Tale: Oral Transmission in a Literate World
A Workshop of Editorial Practice: The Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmarchen
Old Tales for New: Finding the First Fairy Tales
Helpers and Adversaries in Fairy Tales
'Catch if you can': The Cumulative Tale
Unknown Cinderella: The Contribution of Marian Roalfe Cox to the Study of Fairy Tale
Hans Christian Andersen's Use of Folktales
The Collecting and Study of Tales in Scandinavia
The Wonder Tale in Ireland
Welsh Folk Narrative and the Fairy Tale
The Ossetic Oral Narrative Tradition: Fairy Tales in the Context of Other Forms of Traditional Literature
Russian Fairy Tales and Their Collectors
Fairy-Tale Motifs from the Caucasus
The Fairy Tale in South Asia: The Same Only Different
Rewriting the Core: Transformations of the Fairy Tale in Contemporary Writing
General Index
Index of main tales and tale-types

Ghostly Wood by Wedgwood's Fairyland Lustre

Happy Halloween!

I wrote about Wedgwood's Fairyland Lustre at the end of August with two posts. During my research for images and history, I discovered this piece owned by The Victoria and Albert Museum, Ghostly Wood. How perfect for Halloween, I thought! And then I realized I would be at the V&A either on Halloween or the day before. Even more perfect! So today, with best wishes for a safe and fun Halloween, I share images and information about the piece while I hope I am having a safe and happy one during my travels. The rest of the information in this post come from the V&A website.


Fairyland lustre jar and lid. Jar has bulbous body, with small neck and close fitting lid. The decoration is inspired by the illustrations of 'The Legend of Croquemitaine' by Gustave Doré, with woods, ghosts, fairies and goblins.

Daisy Makeig-Jones's fascination with fairies, following such illustrators as Arthur Rackham, Edmund Dulac and the Danish artist, Kay Nielsen, proved very popular in the 1920s. Wedgwood have always produced a huge range of styles to capture different market tastes. The cosy drawing room and nursery atmosphere of the decoration of these works, and the monumental forms, contrast sharply with the modernist works being produced at Wedgwood's in the same period.

Targeting the luxury end of the market with these pieces, they represent one of Wedgwood's most extraordinary technical achievements in the ceramic industry. The richly coloured ornament of Fairyland Lustre was extremely popular throughout the 1920s as expensive collector's pieces. But by the 1930s the appeal of lustre was waning and the collapse of the American market had a noticable effect on the demand for ornamental wares. Fairyland was gradually phased out in the 1930s as Keith Murray and Norman Wilson were taken up. Fairyland was considered too expensive and old-fashioned.

[Susan McCormack, 'British Design at Home', p.113]


I'm hoping I will see some of these pieces in person, but one never knows what will actually be on display...

Jar and cover, Fairyland Lustre, 'Ghostly wood', des. Daisy Makeig-Jones, man. Wedgwood, 1916-1932

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Library Essentials: A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language (Part A: Folk Narratives) edited by Katherine Briggs

A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language (Part A: Folk Narratives) edited by Katherine Briggs is an amazing book, one of the largest collections of folklore from one region in print. If every country had a collection like this in print, the world of folklore would be a happier place. Briggs was an impressive scholar and this is only one of her important contributions to folklore studies. It is impressive. And heavy. Truly. Don't drop this one on your foot.

Book description from the publisher:

First published in 1970 to a chorus of critical acclaim, the Dictionary of British Folk-Tales is now regarded as a classic in folklore scholarship.

Arranged in two parts, the first, Folk Narratives, contains those tales told for edification or delight, but not thought to be factually true. The second, Folk Legends, presents tales believed by the tellers to be records of things that actually happened.

Part one is divided into five groups: Fables and Exempla, Fairy Tales, Jocular Tales, Novelle, and Nursery Tales. The Fables are animal stories after the manner of Aesop, that point to a moral or satarize human frailties, and the Exempla too are tales used for moral illustration. The Fairy Tales are narratives containing or hinging upon supernatural happenings, while the Jocular Tales form a great body of drolls, noodle stories, and bawdy tales. The Novelle are narratives in which there is no explicitly supernatural element, and the Nursery Tales include both tales obviously invented for small children, and tales of horror.

Folk Legends are much commoner in Britain than Folk Narratives, and the second part of the Dictionary gives a representative collection of them. They are arranged mainly under subjects treated: Black Dogs, Bogies, Devils, Dragons, Fairies, Ghosts, Giants, Historical Legends, Local Legends, Origin Myths, Saints, the Supernatural and Witches. Many of the tales are given in full, some are slightly shortened and many others are summarized. The sources are given in each case - whether medieval, from nineteenth-century collectors, or from current oral traditions.

Each part of the Dictionary includes a bibliography, a tale-type or classified index, and an index of story titles.

The entire set, all parts, is also available from the Folio Society. I don't own the set, but I would love to. It is on the wishlist! Here's a video from the Folio Society, too. It's actually two sets of three volumes each. What is in the first three is essentially what appears in the copy I featured at the top of this post.

Mermaids and Sirens in Art

Here is our Sunday morning video of Mermaids and Sirens in Art, courtesy of joshje777. This one is over 10 minutes long so sit back and enjoy. Check back next Sunday for the next in the series.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Library Essentials Month: The Poets' Grimm: 20th Century Poems from Grimm Fairy Tales

The Poets' Grimm: 20th Century Poems from Grimm Fairy Tales edited by Jeanne Marie Beaumont and Claudia Carlson is the other library essential with a poetry theme today. This is a great collection--unfortunately out of print. I admit I am sentimentally attached to it since the editors used SurLaLune to help recruit and find poetry while they were compiling their manuscript. The result was excellent thanks to the editors' hard work and I was happy to have helped it along just a little.

Book description from the publisher:

Writers and readers have long been inspired by the haunting wisdom and sheer imaginative power to be found in the fairy tales of the immortal Brothers Grimm. The editors have collected more than a hundred poems inspired by Grimm tales and written by our finest living poets. A brilliant and informative anthology, a teachable text.

Jeanne Marie Beaumont first book of poetry, Placebo Effects, was selected by William Matthews for the National Poetry Series in 1997. She teaches at Rutgers University. Claudia Carlson works at Oxford University Press in New York. Her poems have appeared in Heliotrope, Coracle, Space and Time, Fantastic Stories and NYCBigCityLit.comm

From the Introduction:

These poems reveal the complex relationship that exists between contemporary poets and a received body of myth or lore. The Grimm tales are subject to a significant amount of skepticism, of refutation or "talking back," and of fracturing or breaking down. Yet an abiding, if irreverent, affection and appreciation for the tales, an acknowledgment of their continuing pull and metaphoric power also can be discerned. There is a mutual enrichment when poets become tale (re)tellers: the poets keep the stories current and fresh and give them back their original vivacity, rigor, and immediacy, while the stories enable the poets to tap into a vast and resonant source of symbol and cultural history. The tales become again "full of mystery like all living things," released from the confines of the nursery, rescued from ossification or sentimentalization, able again to fill us with wonder, dread, and delight.

Table of Contents (sorry no poets names are listed, but you can see the breadth and length of what is offered):

Introduction Landscape: In the Forest
Voices from the Forest
Afraid to Look Afraid to Look Away
Asleep in the Forest
Black Fairy Tale
Further Adventures
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
The Sleeping Kingdom
Briar Rose
Hotel Grimm
Lost in the Forest
Fairy Tales
Fairy Tale
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
The Maiden Without Hands
The White Snake
The Sister of the Swans
An Embroidery (I)
Cinderella's Story
The Frog Prince
The Stepmother Arrives
Babe in the Woods
The Robber Bridegroom
What Bugs Bunny Said to Red Riding Hood
The Wolf's Postscript to "Little Red Riding Hood"
Gretel, Lost
Hansel Tells Gretel of the Witch
Gretel, from a sudden clearing
Witch Words
The Witch
The Fisherman's Wife
The Sleeper 1 and 2
The Gift
Sleeping Beauty Has Words
The Bear
Snow White and Rose Red
Rapunzel Shorn
The Prince
Straw Into Gold
Her Shadow
Snow White in Exile
A Spell for Sleeping
from The Sleeping Beauty
The Glass Coffin
Sleeping Beauty's Dreams
The Frog Prince
Fractured Fairy Tale
The Sleeping Princess
Sleeping Beauty
Beauty Sleeping Now
The Objects in Fairy Tales
Snow White: The Mirror
Snow White Turns 39
The Poisoned Apple
Rapunzel's Clock
The Glass Slipper
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
Cinderella's Life at the Castle
Little Red-Cap
The Skeptical Prince
Rumplestiltskin Keeps Mum
Kissing the Toad
How to Change a Frog Into a Prince
Where's Wolf?
Hans My Hedgehog
The Robber Bridegroom
The Goosegirl
The Fisherman's Wife
Sex and Politics in Fairyland
Fairy Tale
Song for Rapunzel
Cinderella Dream at Ten
The Two Gretels
One-Eye, Two-Eyes, Three-Eyes
Brother and Sister
Fat Is Not a Fairy Tale
Rose Red
The Stepsister's Story
Girl Without Hands
To the Nixie of the Mill-Pond
Little Red Riding Hood
Lessons from a Mirror
The Wicked Witch
Against Cinderella
The Sleeping Beauty: Variation of the Prince
The True Story of Snow White
Anaconda Mining Makes the Seven Dwarfs an Offer
HM Customs & Excise
Juvenile Court
The Social Worker Finds Hansel and Gretel Difficult to Place
On a Nineteenth Century Color Lithograph of Red Riding Hood by the Artist J. H.
The Peasant Girl
The Ugly Stepsister
Grave Fairytale
Rapunzel: A Modern Tale
Scorched Cinderella
The Girl With No Hands
Snow White and the Seven Deadly Sins
Snow White and the Man Sent to Fetch Her Heart
Snow White
Hazel Tells LaVerne
Sleeping Beauty
Achtung, My Princess, Good Night
Ever After
Kissing the Frog
Cinderella and Lazarus, Part II
Twenty Years After
Gretel in Darkness
Hansel's Game
Snow White Over & Over
Snow White: The Prince
From the Journals of the Frog Prince
The Prince Who Woke Briar Rose
Queen Charming Writes Again
An Interview with Red Riding Hood, Now No Longer Little
The Archaeology of a Marriage
Two Lines from the Brothers Grimm
The Old Story
Daughters with Toad
A Fairy Tale
A Happy Ending for the Lost Children
Nocturne with Witch, Oven and Two Little Figures
Snow White
Conversation with My Father
Transfiguration Begins at Home
Poem About Straw
The Wolf in the Bed
The Sleeping Beauty
This Is a Convalescent Home, Not the Fairy Tale Cottage and Always the Good Father
Like Gretel
Reading the Brothers Grimm to Jenny
Kinder-und Hausmarchen
About the Authors
Selected Bibliography
Index of Poems by Tale
Index of Authors and Titles
About the Editors

And an old review I wrote for it:

While this collection might appear gimmicky to some, a quick persusal of the table of contents will show that many respected poets have used fairy tale motifs in their work. Beaumont and Carlson have gathered numerous poems from a wide range of poets that reflect the enduring themes and characters we inherited through the work of the Brothers Grimm. The usual suspects, such as Anne Sexton, are here but so are some lesser known poets. The anthology is strong and represents many well-known fairy tales along with a few that are lesser known by the general public. The book is recommended for libraries and classrooms in which poetry and/or fairy tales are taught. It also makes great armchair reading for anyone interested in new interpretations of familiar stories.

Library Essentials Month: Disenchantments: An Anthology of Modern Fairy Tale Poetry by Wolfgang Mieder

Disenchantments: An Anthology of Modern Fairy Tale Poetry edited by Wolfgang Mieder
Disenchantments: An Anthology of Modern Fairy Tale Poetry edited by Wolfgang Mieder is one of two of today's library essentials. Today's theme is poetry if you were wondering. This book is the first collection of fairy tale poetry by various poets published in English to my knowledge. It is a wonderful collection, too, and pretty impressive considering it was compiled before the internet made researching poetry somewhat easier. All of the poetry is thought provoking, but Mieder's introduction is the wonderful resource also. I haven't seen too many articles about poetry and fairy tales like this one and it is a great overview to the genre even 25+ years later.

List of Contents (not in order):

Pantomime Diseases by Dannie Abse
Cinderella by Feroz Ahmed-ud-din
The Princess Addresses The Frog Prince by Elizabeth Brewster
Cinderella by Olga Broumas
Little Red Riding Hood by Olga Broumas
Rapunzel by Olga Broumas
Snow White by Olga Broumas
Dornoschen by Hayden Carruth
Red Riding Hood by Guy Wetmore Carryl
Ripening by Noelle Caskey
Mythics by Helen Chasin
Snow White by Robert M. Chute
The Sleeping Beauty by Leonard Cohen
Rose Red To Snow White by Joan Colby
Dreambooks by Alfred Dewitt Corn
Little Red Riding Hood And The Wolf by Roald Dahl
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs by Roald Dahl
The Princess In The Ivory Tower by Joy Davidman
The Sleeping Beauty by Walter John De La Mare
The Dolls Play At Hansel And Gretel by William Dickey
Epithalamium by John Ditsky
Coach by Eleanor Farjeon
Cinderella Grass by Aileen Fisher
Fairy Tales by Jane Flanders
The Sleeping Beauty by Sara De Ford
Beauty, Sleeping by Arthur Freeman
Ella Of The Cinders by Mary Blake French
Snow White by Robert Gillespie
Gretel In Darkness by Louise Gluck
The Frog And The Golden Ball by Robert Ranke Graves
Mirror by Donald Hall
Antistrophe by William Hathaway
The Gold Factory by William Hathaway
In Dead Air, Under Furious Sun by William Hathaway
Liar Rumplestiltskin Loves by William Hathaway
Rumplestiltskin's Plan by William Hathaway
The Benefactors by Sara Henderson Hay
Interview by Sara Henderson Hay
Juvenile Court by Sara Henderson Hay
The Marriage by Sara Henderson Hay
The Name by Sara Henderson Hay
One Of The Seven Has Something To Say by Sara Henderson Hay
The Princess by Sara Henderson Hay
Rapunzel by Sara Henderson Hay
The Sleeper by Sara Henderson Hay
Rebels From Fairy Tales by Hyacinthe Hill
And When The Prince Came by Robert Silliman Hillyer
Coup De Grace by Anthony D. Hope
Cinderella Liberated by Anne Hussey
The Sleeping Beauty by Mary Hutton
Cinderella by Randall Jarrell
The Marchen (grimm's Tales) by Randall Jarrell
The Sleeping Beauty: Variation Of The Prince by Randall Jarrell
Sleeping Beauty by Charles Johnson
Becoming A Frog by Paul R. Jones
Tellers Of Tales by Chester Simon Kallman
Kissing The Toad by Galway Kinnell
Sleeping Beauty: August by Douglas Knight
The Archaeology Of A Marriage by Maxine W. Kumin
An Embroidery by Denise Levertov
The Dwarf by Gerald Locklin
Rapunzel by Eli W. Mandel
The Sleeping Beauty by Edward Leslie Mayo
Rapunzel Song by Gerard Previn Meyer
Prince Charming by John R. Miller
Cinderella by Roger Mitchell
From The Journals Of The Frog Prince by Susan Mitchell
The Two Gretels by Robin Morgan
Reading The Brothers Grimm To Jenny by Lisel Mueller
Sleeping Beauty by Howard Nemerov
To A Child by Norreys Jephson O'conor
The Sleeping Beauty by Wilfred Owen
The Gingerbread House by John Ower
The Frog Prince by Robert Pack
Frog Prince by Phoebe Pettingell
Cinderella by Cynthia Pickard
Cinderella by Sylvia Plath
Coach Into Pumpkin by Dorothy E. Reid
Modern Grimm by Dorothy Lee Richardson
Maymie's Story Of Red Riding-hood by James Whitcomb Riley
A Sleeping Beauty by James Whitcomb Riley
Cinderella's Song by Elizabeth Madox Roberts
The Frog Prince by Anne Sexton
Little Red Riding Hood by Anne Sexton
Rapunzel by Anne Sexton
Rumpelstiltskin by Anne Sexton
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs by Anne Sexton
Sleeping Beauty by Laurie Sheck
Sleeping Beauty by Jane Shore
Red Riding Hood At The Acropolis by Myra Sklarew
The Frog Prince by Florence Margaret Smith
Vancouver Island by Joan Swift
A Fairy Tale by Phyllis Hoge Thompson
Breasts by Barbara Unger
Rapunzel by Louis Untermeyer
A Sleeping Beauty by Evelyn M. Watson
Lost Cinderella by Edith Weaver
Happy Endings by Gail White
Sleeping Beauty by Elinor Wylie
A Fairy Tale by Vitomil Zupan

Friday, October 28, 2011

Instructables: How to make a Prop 'Glass' Cinderella Slipper

I was just recently introduced to the Instructables website and had to explore briefly. My first discovery was this How to make a Prop 'Glass' Cinderella Slipper from a pretzel tub DIY by Jay. I won't copy the steps and it requires a level of patience and skill but this shoe can be yours with a glue gun, scissors and a plastic tub if your fairy godmother isn't scheduled to arrive anytime soon. It's not wearable, but it's fun to see how someone answers the challenge of making a glass slipper.

So for Gangshow this year... I was asked to beg borrow steal or make some very... INTERESTING items... one of which is a 'Glass Slipper'... So I knew no-one that I could beg one off... I knew no-where I could borrow or steal one from... So It looked like I would have to make one... I had looked round the shops for some cheep jelly shoes or maybe a seethrough welly boot... but to no avail... so I sat to thinking... and looking at me in my pit of a room.. was an empty (CLEAN!) Pretzel tub that I had been saving to make a sand water filter with my scouts (uh-oh.... It's ok I bought another barrel of Pretzels!)

So well here is my I'ble I hope it inspires... If it does, and you make one I would love to see what you come up with



Library Essentials: Ariadne's Thread: A Guide to International Tales Found in Classical Literature by William Hansen

Ariadne's Thread: A Guide to International Tales Found in Classical Literature (Myth and Poetics) by William Hansen is a recent addition to my own library. It offers pretty much exactly what the titles states. And the publisher sums it up better than me so I will offer their words and then apologize for not having a table of contents. The best way to view one is through the Look Inside feature on Amazon. This book is a great resource and uses the Aarne Thompson system. No, most of the tales discussed are not the most commonly known fairy tales, but some of the biggest hits are present.

Book description from publisher:

From Cinderella to The Boy Who Cried Wolf to The Dragon Slayer to the Judgment of Solomon, certain legends, myths, and folktales are part of the oral tradition in countries around the world. In addition to their pervasiveness, these stories show an astonishing longevity; many such tales are found in classical antiquity.

Ariadne's Thread is a mini-encyclopedia of more than a hundred such international oral tales, all present in the literature of ancient Greece and Rome. It takes into account writings, including early Jewish and Christian literature, recorded in or translated into Greek or Latin by writers of any nationality. As a result, it will be invaluable not only to classicists and folklorists but also to a wide range of other readers who are interested in stories and storytelling.

William Hansen presents the familiar form of each tale and discusses the similar ancient story or stories, examining how each corresponds with and differs from that form. He then gives principal sources and, where appropriate, comments on the cultural factors affecting the shape and content of the ancient story, the context of transmission, and issues raised in the secondary literature. Finally, he provides a bibliography of scholarly studies and the pertinent reference in the standard folk-narrative index, The Types of the Folktale by Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson.

Again and again, Hansen demonstrates how ancient narratives are often best understood in the context of the larger tradition. He forces us to rethink the nature of Greek mythology by encouraging an appreciation of the extent to which Greek myths and legends parallel international stories. By virtue of their durability, he says, these orally transmitted stories rank among the world's most successful artistic creations.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Library Essentials: The Interpretation of Fairy Tales by Marie-Louise Von Franz

The Interpretation of Fairy Tales by Marie-Louise Von Franz is today's library essential. Von Franz is who you need to read if you want Jungian interpretations of fairy tales. This is one of her more famous books, but she has many for various fairy tales so it is worthwhile to explore her works and see what may intersect with your personal interests the most. This volume is a great start and overview of Jungian fairy tale theory.

Book description from the publisher:

Of the various types of mythological literature, fairy tales are the simplest and purest expressions of the collective unconscious and thus offer the clearest understanding of the basic patterns of the human psyche. Every people or nation has its own way of experiencing this psychic reality, and so a study of the world's fairy tales yields a wealth of insights into the archetypal experiences of humankind.

Perhaps the foremost authority on the psychological interpretation of fairy tales is Marie-Louise von Franz. In this book—originally published as An Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairy Tales —she describes the steps involved in analyzing and illustrates them with a variety of European tales, from "Beauty and the Beast" to "The Robber Bridegroom."

Dr. von Franz begins with a history of the study of fairy tales and the various theories of interpretation. By way of illustration she presents a detailed examination of a simple Grimm's tale, "The Three Feathers," followed by a comprehensive discussion of motifs related to Jung's concept of the shadow, the anima, and the animus. This revised edition has been corrected and updated by the author.

Marie-Louise von Franz (1915–1998) was the foremost student of C. G. Jung, with whom she worked closely from 1934 until his death in 1961. A founder of the C. G. Jung Institute of Zurich, she published widely on subjects including alchemy, dreams, fairy tales, personality types, and psychotherapy.

Table of Contents:

Theories of Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales, Myths, and Other Archetypal Stories
A Method of Psychological Interpretation
A Tale Interpreted: "The Three Feathers"
"The Three Feathers" Continued
"The Three Feathers" Completed
Shadow, Anima, and Animus in Fairy Tales

The Bluebeard Series by Sarah Chambers D.C.H.P.

Empowering women to rediscover their authentic self
By Sarah Chambers D.C.H.P.

bronze head with gold key in eye castle in backgroundBluebeard - Audio Story For Wild Women

This package offers you the audio story/analysis of Bluebeard and is for women who feel the wild energy of their soul calling them to action, but has yet to take on the challenge of waking to their authentic self. For the evolution of a woman's consciousness to develop and expand she must wake up and become conscious that change is needed in her life and not deny it or run from it.

Her captor, the thing that confines her may be a a partner, husband, child or a one of her family members. It may also be a culture or religion. But the captor can also be inner negative complexes or self sabotaging destructive ways of thinking or behaving or any unconscious suppressed way of living and being.

Bluebeard is more than a man he is the captor, that inner aspect that controls us through fear. Open the door and shine the light into the dark corners, you are so much more than you think you are and can be so much more than that!

Awakening Feminine Energy.JpegAnima - Inner feminine side of man. Animus Inner masculine side of woman.

Animus-Anima - Awakening Feminine Consciousness
Development of the Self - Beyond Conditioning and Social Hypnosis
This recording is about animus, the masculine soul energy within woman the strong and powerful force that drives her instincts for growth and personal development. It is that unconscious part of her that longs to feel the wind of freedom. It is the light that shines deep in her soul that stirs her to action. It is the doorway to gaining understanding of the deeper levels of her self.

The Emergence of Self - discovering your soul purpose
This is a wondrous journey of self discovery into your wild and intuitive self, uncovering the pearl within, access your power, your mystery. You can find in the depth of your soul the creative inspiration needed to re-create your own personal world. On this journey you may glimpse images, catch sounds, touch feelings within your body, that your inner self will guide you to experience.

You can unlock positive awareness, and what you need to learn will come to you, in just the right way, and at just the right time. Your inner treasure room awaits you, it has always been there, waiting patiently for you.

Open the door, listen, and trust your intuition to guide you in whatever way is right for you. Remember, we are much more than our bodies, our emotions, our thoughts and behaviours, so much more. Just allow the ordinary everyday world to disappear, let your cares and worries just melt away, fade from your mind. Be gentle guided and supported within the flowing vibrant colours and let the process of inner healing begin.

All of this was copy and pasted from the publisher's page. Pricing information is available there. I haven't tried these, but wanted to share in the interest that I share fairy tale related stuff and always find Bluebeard fascinating myself. And it is just happy coincidence that I am also posting about Von Franz's work today, too.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New in US: Red Riding Hood by Louise Rowe

Red Riding Hood: A Pop-up Book

I highlighted Rowe's first pop-up books including this Little Red Riding Hood last year when they were released in the UK. Now the books have been released in the US and are already shipping despite their December 1 release date, see Red Riding Hood: A Pop-up Book. (Here's the UK link and the French link and the Spanish link.) So I am reposting the images from the book for the new release.
Here are some images from the book:

Now in US: Hansel and Gretel by Louise Rowe

Hansel and Gretel

I highlighted Rowe's first pop-up books including this Hansel and Gretel last year when they were released in the UK. Now the books have been released in the US and are already shipping despite their December 1 release date, see Hansel and Gretel (UK link and French version) So I am reposting the images to share. I am always fascinated by how Hansel and Gretel is told to today's children. It really is a terrifying fairy tale...

Library Essentials: Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of Fairy Tales by Max Lüthi

Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of Fairy Tales by Max Lüthi is today's library essential.

Description from the publisher:

This first paperback edition of the seminal work by the Swiss scholar Max Lüthi will be welcomed by folklorists for its informative survey of the various ways in which fairytales and related genres (local legends and saints’ lives) may be read.

“Lüthi’s lucid and intelligent book is refreshingly welcome.” —Sewanee Review

Table of Contents:


1 Sleeping Beauty
The Meaning and Form of Fairy Tales

2 The Seven Sleepers
Saint’s Legend-Local Legend-Fairy Tale

3 The Dragon Slayer
The Style of the Fairy Tale

4 The Uses of Fairy Tales
Cinderella-Hansel and Gretel-The White Snake

5 The Little Earth-Cow
Symbolism in the Fairy Tale

6 The Living Doll
Local Legend and Fairy Tale

7 Animal Stories
A Glimpse of the Tales of Primitive Peoples

8 Rapunzel
The Fairy Tale as Representation of a Maturation Process

9 The Riddle Princess
Cunning, Jest and Sagacity

10 The Fairy-Tale Hero
The Image of Man in the Fairy Tale

11 The Miracle in Literature

Reference Notes

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Library Essentials: Best-Loved Folktales of the World edited by Joanna Cole

Today will have two library essentials, two of the best anthologies of world folklore and fairy tales. The second is Best-Loved Folktales of the World (The Anchor folktale library) edited by Joanna Cole. This one is helpful not just because it has so many tales, but because it has sources for all the tales. I've included the entire table of contents below which really says more than I can about this collection that has stayed in print since 1983 for good reason. One really should be familiar with most of the tales presented here.

Book description from the publisher:

A collection of over 200 folk and fairy tales from all over the world, this is the only edition that encompasses all cultures. Arranged geographically by region, this book also includes category index groups that list the stories by plot and character.

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Enjoying the World's Folktales
West Europe
Cinderella (France)
Beauty and the Beast (France)
Puss in Boots (France)
Blue Beard (France)
The White Cat (France)
Drakestail (France)
The Doctor and His Pupil (France)
Snow-White (Germany)
The Brave Little Tailor (Germany)
Ashenputtel (Germany)
Rapunzel (Germany)
The Devil's Three Gold Hairs (Germany)
Darling Roland (Germany)
The Fisherman and His Wife (Germany)
The Frog Prince (Germany)
The Goosegirl (Germany)
Tom Thumb (Germany)
The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids (Germany)
Little Red Riding Hood (Germany)
The Juniper Tree (Germany)
The Golden Goose (Germany)
Thousand-Furs (Germany)
Rumpelstiltskin (Germany)
Mother Holle (Germany)
Sleeping Beauty (Germany)
The Queen Bee (Germany)
The Bremen Town Musicians (Germany)
Hansel and Gretel (Germany)
The Merman and the Farmer (Germany)
Crab (Italy)
Bastianelo (Italy)
The Cock and the Mouse (Italy)
The Thoughtless Abbot (Italy)
Don Demonio's Mother-in-law (Spain)
Tonino and the Fairies (Spain)
I Ate the Loaf (Spain)
The Half-Chick (Spain)
A Legend of Saint Nicholas (Holland)
The Hare and the Tortoise (Ancient Greece)
The Fox and the Grapes (Ancient Greece)
The Goose with the Golden Eggs (Ancient Greece)
The Man, the Boy and the Donkey (Ancient Greece)
Eros and Psyche (Ancient Greece)
The Twelve Months (Modern Greece)
British Isles
Jack and the Beanstalk (England)
Jack the Giant-Killer (England)
Tom Tit Tot (England)
The Boggart (England)
Good and Bad News (England)
The Hand of Glory (England)
Lazy Jack (England)
Molly Whuppie (England)
Teeny-Tiny (England)
The Three Wishes (England)
Dick Whittington and His Cat (England)
The Pied Piper (England)
Master of All Masters (England)
Munachar and Manachar (Ireland)
The Field of Boliauns (Ireland)
The Fisherman's Son and the Gruagach of Tricks (Ireland)
The Thirteenth Son of the King of Erin (Ireland)
The Birth of Fin MacCoul (Ireland)
Fin MacCoul and the Fenians of Erin in the Castle of Fear Dubh (Ireland)
Black, Brown, and Gray (Ireland)
The Brownie of Blednock (Scotland)
The Midwife (Scotland)
The Wee, Wee Mannie (Scotland)
The Cow on the Roof (Wales)
Scandinavia and Northern Europe
East of the Sun and West of the Moon (Norway)
Boots and the Troll (Norway)
Gudbrand on the Hillside or What the Good Man Does Is Always Right (Norway)
The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body (Norway)
The Lad Who Went to the North Wind (Norway)
The Master Thief (Norway)
The Three Billygoats Gruff (Norway)
The Mastermaid (Norway)
Not a Pin to Choose Between Them (Norway)
Princess on the Glass Hill (Norway)
Why the Bear Is Stumpy-Tailed (Norway)
Why the Sea Is Salt (Norway)
The Tinderbox (Denmark)
Peter Bull (Denmark)
Maid Lena (Denmark)
The Old Woman and the Tramp or Nail Broth (Sweden)
Salt and Bread (Sweden)
The Seal's Skin (Iceland)
The Pig-Headed Wife (Finland)
The Forest Bride (Finland)
God and the Devil Share the Harvest (Latvia)
The Bul-Bul Bird (Latvia)
East Europe
The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship (Russia)
The Baba Yaga (Russia)
The Firebird, the Horse of Power and the Princess Vasilissa (Russia)
The Story of King Frost (Russia)
Prince Hedgehog (Russia)
Salt (Russia)
The Treasure (Russia)
Woe (Russia)
Clever Manka (Czechoslovakia)
Intelligence and Luck (Czechoslovakia)
Czar Trojan's Ears (Yugoslavia)
A Stroke of Luck (Hungary)
It Could Always Be Worse (Yiddish)
Chelm Justice (Yiddish)
Saint or Horse (Yiddish)
When Hershel Eats- (Yiddish)
Middle East
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (Arabian Nights)
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (Arabian Nights)
The Fisherman and the Genie (Arabian Nights)
The Donkey Driver and the Thief (Arabia)
The Farmer and His Hired Help (Afghanistan)
Don't Throw Stones from Not-Yours to Yours (Israel)
The Three Hares (Turkey)
Momotaro or The Peach-Boy (Japan)
The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumplings (Japan)
The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue (Japan)
The Tale of the Oki Islands (Japan)
The Stonecutter (Japan)
The Wife's Portrait (Japan)
Urashima (Japan)
The Magic Kettle (Japan)
A Taoist Priest (China)
Simple Wang (China)
Faithful Even in Death (China)
The Young Head of the Family (China)
The Most Frugal of Men (China)
The Magic Brocade (China)
Planting a Pear Tree (China)
The Groom's Crimes (China)
A Clever Judge (China)
Money Makes Cares (China)
Drinking Companions (China)
The King's Favorite (China)
The Clever Thief (Korea)
The Tiger's Whisker (Korea)
Hats to Disappear with (Korea)
Why the Parrot Repeats Man's Words (Thailand)
Mister Lazybones (Laos)
The Fisherman and the Gatekeeper (Burma)
The Little Lizard's Sorrow (Vietnam)
The Fly (Vietnam)
The Valiant Chattee-Maker (India)
The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal (India)
How the Raja's Son Won the Princess Labam (India)
How Sun, Moon, and Wind Went Out to Dinner (India)
The Monkey and the Crocodile (India)
Tit for Tat (India)
The Pacific
How Ma-ui Fished Up the Great Island (Hawaii)
Why There Are No Tigers in Borneo (Indonesia)
How Platypuses Came to Australia (Australia)
The Bunyip (Australia)
Talk (Africa-Ashanti Tribe)
Anansi's Hat-shaking Dance (Africa-Ashanti Tribe)
Anansi and His Visitor, Turtle (Africa-Ashanti Tribe)
How Spider Obtained the Sky-God's Stories (Africa-Ashanti Tribe)
Younde Goes to Town (West Africa)
How Frog Lost His Tail (Africa-Sukuma Tribe)
The Rubber Man (Africa-Hausa Tribe)
The Origin of Death (Africa-Akamba Tribe)
Man Chooses Death (Africa-Madagascar)
The Woman and the Children of the Sycamore Tree (Africa-Masai Tribe)
The Wise Dog (Africa-Yoruba Tribe)
The Hunter and His Magic Flute (Africa-Yoruba Tribe)
The Funeral of the Hyena's Mother (Africa-Yoruba Tribe)
Oni and the Great Bird (Africa-Yoruba Tribe)
The Wooden Spoon and the Whip (Africa-Yoruba Tribe)
Why There Are Cracks in Tortoise's Shell (Africa-Baila Tribe)
The Fire on the Mountain (Ethiopia)
Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky (Africa-Efik-Ibibio)
A Tug-of-War (Africa-Fan Tribe)
North America
People Who Could Fly (Black American)
Baby in the Crib (Black American)
The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story (Uncle Remus)
Paul Bunyan's Cornstalk (Western United States)
The Two Old Women's Bet (Southern United States)
Jack in the Giants' Newground (Southern United States)
Senor Coyote and the Dogs (Mexico)
The Talking Cat (French Canada)
The Indian Cinderella (Canadian Indian)
The Deserted Children (American Indian-Gros Ventre Tribe of Montana)
The Girl Who Married a Ghost (American Indian-The Nisqualli Tribe of Southern Washington)
The Lost Woman (American Indian-Blackfeet Tribe)
The Theft of Fire (American Indian-Chippewa Tribe)
Manabozho and His Toe (American Indian)
The Raven Brings Light (Alaskan Indian)
The Sedna Legend (Eskimo)
Caribbean and West Indies
The Magic Orange Tree (Haiti)
Greedy Mariani (Haiti)
Uncle Bouqui and Little Malice (Haiti)
Bouki Rents a Horse (Haiti)
Anansi Play with Fire, Anansi Get Burned (Jamaica)
How El Bizarron Fooled the Devil (Cuba)
The Story of the Smart Parrot (Puerto Rico)
Central and South America
How the Devil Constructed a Church (Honduras)
Three Magic Oranges (Costa Rica)
The Lucky Table (Costa Rica)
Brer Rabbit, Businessman (Costa Rica)
The Search for the Magic Lake (Ecuador)
The Deer and the Jaguar Share a House (Brazil)
The Five Brothers (Chile)
Index of Categories of Tales
Index of Titles

Library Essentials: Favorite Folktales from Around the World edited by Jane Yolen

Today will have two library essentials, two of the best anthologies of world folklore and fairy tales. The first is Favorite Folktales from Around the World (Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library) edited by Jane Yolen. Many of the fairy tales were gleaned from the Pantheon Folklore Library which is a large library and also recommended if you are looking for country collections. This volume provides a strong overview of the Pantheon collection.

Book description from the publisher:

A one volume collection of 160 tales from over 40 cultures and traditions, containing both classics and lesser known tales.

I couldn't find a Table of Contents to post and I wasn't devoted enough to type up 160 titles. However, you can see inside the book on Amazon. It is one of the best options for world folklore collections along with the other book I am featuring today.